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LaboratoriumBeberapa laboratorium yang terdapat di Telkom UniversityFakultas Teknik Elektro Lab. Jaringan Komunikasi Data Lab. Komputer Lab. Adaptive Network Lab. Cyber Physical System Lab. Multimedia App, Big data & Cyber Security Lab. Audio and Speech Signal Processing Lab. Image Processing and Vision Lab. Pengolahan Sinyal Digital (Signal Processing for Intelligent System) Lab. Renwable Energy & Advanced [...]


Telkom University Innovation AUMRAutonomous UVC Mobile Robot (AUMR). The innovation resulting from the collaboration between Telkom University and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) is the first AUMR robot in Indonesia that functions for Disinfection & Sterilization in the Isolation Room of Covid-19 Positive Patients. This robot can operate up to a period of 5 [...]

Kehidupan di Surabaya

Kehidupan di Surabaya Surabaya bukan hanya terkenal dengan keindahan bunga tabebuyanya saja. Berkunjung ke kota pahlawan tersebut memungkinkan untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata Surabaya yang lebih beragam. Mulai dari wisata sejarah, wisata alam, wisata unik yang Instagramable, wahana permainan, eko wisata, aneka wisata malam, wisata belanja, hingga wisata kuliner khas Surabaya. Selain itu tingkat pendidikan di [...]

Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and InclusivityTelkom University is one of the private universities that has students, lecturers to academic staff from almost all corners of the country. An inclusive environment and various diversity make Telkom University in the public spotlight, ranging from parents, students, to lecturers who want to register themselves and their children to join Telkom University. [...]

Vision, Mission, and Goals

Contribute to The WorldVision and Mission of Telkom UniversityBecome a research and entrepreneurial university in 2023, which plays an active role in the development of information technology-based technology, science, and art Best Private UniversityTelkom University won the title as the best Private University (PTS) no 1 from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education [...]

Research Group

RESEARCH GROUP TELKOM UNIVERSITY Kelompok Keahlian Telkom University merupakan kelompok fungsional dosen pada disiplin keilmuan dan keahlian tertentu yang berada dalam unit keilmuan serumpun berbentuk fakultas, dengan pelaksana fungsi keilmuan dan keahlian adalah para dosen. Fungsi Kelompok Keahlian adalah menjalankan kegiatan pengembangan keilmuan dan keahlian yang ditekuninya melalui Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi Fakultas Teknik Elektro 1. [...]


Superiority Some advantages of Telkom University Superior AccreditationTelkom University successfully achieved Superior accreditation, and became the first Private University (PTS) in Indonesia to achieve Superior accreditation. The meaning of Superior accreditation itself is that when universities succeed in obtaining superior accreditation, it can be said that the university is very good about the achievements in [...]


Telkom University Senate Ketua Dr. Ir. Ismail, M.T. Senat Kehormatan Sekretaris Dr. Ir. Heroe Wijanto, M.T. Ilmu Terapan Anggota Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya Ex-Officio (Rektor) Anggota Dr. Dadan Rahadian, S.T., M.M. Ex-Officio (Wakil Rektor I) Anggota Dr. Ir. Rina Puji Astuti, M.T. Ex-Officio (Wakil Rektor IV) Anggota Dr. Ir. Jangkung Rahardjo, M.T. Ilmu Terapan Anggota Dr. [...]